
Mood Measurement on Smartphones: Which Measure, Which Design?

Helma Torkamaan Abstract Mood, often studied using smartphones, influences human perception, judgment, thought, and behavior. Mood measurements on smartphones face challenges concerning the selection of a proper mood measure and its transfer, or translation, into a digital application (app) that is user-engaging. Addressing these challenges, researchers sometimes end up developing a new interaction design and […]

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How can they know that? A study of factors affecting the creepiness of recommendations

Helma Torkamaan, , Catalin-Mihai Barbu, Jürgen Ziegler Abstract Recommender systems (RS) often use implicit user preferences extracted from behavioral and contextual data, in addition to traditional rating-based preference elicitation, to increase the quality and accuracy of personalized recommendations. However, these approaches may harm user experience by causing mixed emotions, such as fear, anxiety, surprise, discomfort,

How can they know that? A study of factors affecting the creepiness of recommendations Read More »